Happy Thanksgiving and Season's Greetings to all of our friends and supporters!  
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Turimiquire Foundation
November, 2014
One of our key achievements at the Turimiquire Foundation is the loyal team we have developed over many years working together.  From doctors, nurses and lawyers to sociologists, students and campesinos (rural folk), we all work together to provide basic family planning and education to the lowest-income Venezuelans.
Meet Marcela (pink blouse), one of the Foundation's beloved staff, together here with her family in the remote river valley where they live, several hours walk from the nearest road.
Marcela started as one of our first high school scholarship students and was chosen and trained by our wonderful U.S. volunteer Lindsey Bloom to coordinate the Foundation's growing rural education program. She comes from a large and hard-working campesino family with traditional rural skills, but very little education.  The first college graduate in her family, she is currently pursuing graduate studies, and will soon become a certified teacher.
Rural Construction
Marcela at work
Marcela and her family are building a small annex to their house that will serve as our upriver rural education center.  Here, students who live far from the road will have access to a small library and computers to support their studies at the nearby primary and high school.
Above (clockwise from upper left) we see Marcela at the Foundation's urban Cyber Center, helping students use the Internet for homework; participating in a student march about the consequences of adolescent pregnancy; receiving an award from university students for her assistance in their rural education project; and with students and staff at our rural community center. 

Like the Foundation itself, Marcela bridges two very different worlds in Venezuela - the rural and the urban.  She is helping other students to cross that same divide and embrace both worlds, and has become a model and mentor to many of the young women in our program.

Meet the rest of Marcela's remote rural world:
More than one hundred extended families live in this remote river valley. Before we initiated our rural education program in 2003 with Lindsey and Marcela, most students abandoned formal schooling at or before the sixth grade. Now some 500 youngsters have attended high school, and more than 100 have graduated. Eighteen students have continued on to local community colleges, and three have now graduated!
The Foundation has many Marcelas working in public health and education,
to your support. 

ALL of them share an honest commitment to service with demonstrable impact. Our small size and embedded, grassroots presence in the communities where we work, allows us to be extremely effective and hands-on. Our exceptionally low operating costs allow us to reach many more families and students with far more specific support than average. 

Please join us in offering remote rural populations these basic tools towards building a literate, prosperous life. What so many of us just take for granted represents life-changing empowerment for those without!

Your support allows us to change lives,
many lives, for the better. 

Family Planning + Education are the two pillars 
upon which successful community development rests.

We invite you to please support us 
in extending these benefits to more and more families.
Your donation is tax deductible and at least 
93 cents of every dollar goes directly into the field!  

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Click the button, type in the amount
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Or please mail your check,
payable to the 
Turimiquire Foundation,
to our U.S. office:

 Turimiquire Foundation, 16 Crescent Street, Cambridge, MA, USA 02138
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Comments, thoughts, advice?  Email us, we’d love to hear from you!
"When we are dreaming alone, it is only a dream.
When we are dreaming with others,
it is the beginning of reality."

Dom Helder Camera
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