Behind these proud numbers are many many human beings whose lives have been helped in many many ways -- that is our joy!
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From May 1997 through December 2012,

Thanks to $1.2 million 
from caring donors in the United States
Canada, Europe and Venezuela

68,586 Couple Years of Protection -- the USAID metric for evaluating family planning programs -- have been provided to these families to prevent unintended pregnancies --  a very respectable number for an organization of our modest size -- and at less than $10 cost per CYP -- which is well below documented averages in community based service delivery!  

And that is not all.

Once families have gained control of their fertility, they concentrate on giving their children the best possible future through schooling. Everyone agrees: 

Education is the priority

2,146 workshops in Responsible Sexuality and  Reproductive Health have been given to 44,666 participants, primarily students and teenagers, reaching out to this critical younger population in a country that has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

400 families in our remote rural community now have access to:
Kindergarten and Daycare centers 
Primary school with cafeteria and sports 
Education Center with library, computers, tutoring
Subsidized school supplies

300 rural high school students have participated in our Scholarship Program
Six Graduating Classes - most students previously did not reach the sixth grade
15 of our rural high school graduates are now in college with our support 
Two of our rural high school graduates are now college graduates with nursing degrees 

And that is still not all.  

®  28 off-the-grid rural homes, one rural school and    
ne chapel have received solar electricity     

 S  140 rural homes now have piped gravity water systems    
ä  Exotic Tropical Fruit Trees  -- Durian, Mangosteen, Jackfruit and more 

Our story begins all the way back in 1977, when we began farming on our remote tropical homestead in the impoverished Turimiquire watershed of north-eastern Venezuela. We gradually developed a series of eco-agricultural, health and educational projects for our community, and in 1995, we established the Turimiquire Foundation, with 501(C)(3) non-profit tax exemption status in the USA.  

How can we accomplish so much with so little?

è We are small and focused enough to micro-manage every aspect of our operation.
è We have an extended part-time staff, many of whom volunteer or can receive very modest stipends for their participation because their main sustenance comes from elsewhere.
è Our own university scholarship students increasingly help as their skills improve. 
è All of our Officers and Board are 100% Volunteer.
è Without asking too much of anyone, everyone is asked to help a little more, and the cumulative results are significant.

With this same approach to fund raising, just once or twice a year, we ask everyone to please help with a donation. Dollar for dollar, you won't get a better deal to help the less-fortunate in precisely the ways that they need and want, because we are right here, personally "embedded" with the folks we serve! 

Please help, and help with a little bit more if you can. 

Thank you for your support!

Comments, thoughts, advice?  Email us, we’d love to hear from you!
Want to help? With your help, we can do so much more.
It's tax deductible and 

92 cents of every dollar 

goes directly into the field!  
PayPal is the safe, easy way to donate online.
Click the button, type in the amount
and login to your PayPal account.
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Copyright © 2013 Turimiquire Foundation
Our mailing address is:
Turimiquire Foundation
33 Richdale Ave
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140

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